Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Muse: Speed limit

I know it's been so long since I last posted but yeah... I guess it is about time I posted something after my short break from school. So ... it'll be about the...

I know it's kind of lame to discuss this issue but really, it's been on my mind so much that I believe it just wouldn't leave my head until I blogged about it. 

Act 333, Road Transport Act 1987 with amendments up to 1 July 2006
Section 40 Exceeding Speed limit
(1) If any person drives a motor vehicle at a speed exceeding any speed limit imposed for such motor vehicle under the powers conferred by this Act he shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand ringgit.

Section 69 Speed limits
(1) The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, prescribe a national speed limit for all roads in Malaysia.
(1A) Any person who fails to observe the national speed limit prescribe under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.

Federal Government Gazette, National Speed Limit (Temporary Cessation) Order 2013,c.i.f. 3 - 17 February 2013
Section 2 Temporary Cessation
*The speed limit is 90 km/h for all roads in Malaysia

Federal Government Gazette, Local Speed Limit (Federal Roads) (Specified Time Prohibition) Order 2013, c.i.f. 3 - 17 February 2013
Section 2 Prohibition
*Prohibits motor vehicles from exceeding the speed limit of 80 km/h over all Federal roads in Malaysia.

Motor Vehicles (Speed Limit) Rules, 1989 c.i.f. 1st February 1989, Schedule Rule 3
1. having a seating capacity not exceeding twelves persons, including he driver, and used for hire or reward has a maximum speed limit of 110 km/h for roads described in Schedule to National Speed Limit Order 1989 while other roads have it at 90 km/h.
Therefore, since I'm really dumb and don't know the difference between the roads cause I didn't download the Act, XD, shall assume (from personal experience of using the road) that most highways have a speed limit which has dropped from 110 km/h to only 90 km/h while local (small highways) has a reduced speed limit of 80 km/h from 90 km/h. 

So... why the drop in the speed limit? Is it stupid? Useless? Troublesome? 

There is a reason there is a speed limit and there is a reason why it is reduced during the festive season.

First and foremost, I'd address the issue of the speed limit. 
It is vital for all road users to understand and be clear that not all cars could drive safely past 110 km/h (personal experience from driving a Perodua MyVi). Past a certain speed, your car would become unstable, wobbly and be more suspect-able to be uncontrollable behind a wheel. Therefore, since the government assumes the general public are all not able to drive BMW, Volkswagen or Benz which have a heavier body and stronger engines, the set speed is set so, so that smaller cars would not feel intimidated by the big heavier cars even when they zoom past them. Since, according to Bernoulli's principle, the car may be flung due to high speed causing lower pressure of air caused by the faster cars zooming on the right lane against the slower cars; higher pressure moving on the centre/ left lane. So a standard speed limit is set so that all cars travel at approximately the same speed.

**My car shakes if a car zooms past me so it's true, Bernoulli's smart! So... F*** OFF, cars that zoom unnaturally fast, what if I lost control of my car thanks to you? Just cause you can go fast doesn't mean that you can potentially kill me by disrupting my car's stability and control.

Then... why do they drop it during the festive season?
  1. There are more road users. Hence, just like people moving in a crowd, you'd really have to slow down, cause there's just too many people who just want to go back home at the same time. After all, we're a multiracial country, Malay/ Chinese/ Indian celebrate, Malaysia celebrates with you. Hence, do remember, even if you think it is your right to celebrate the festival, it is also every Malaysian's right to celebrate as well. What better way but to go back home with you! Then, since you're not the only one paying taxes and tolls, they'd jam into the road as well when you go back home, causing the slow traffic.
  2. Sudden slow downs in case of slower traffic in front. It is inevitable when you drive long distance that you become tired and cranky, hence desiring to be fast and furious on the road. However, would everybody be able to brake in time (to exit/ sudden slow cars in front) if they suddenly nod off at such a speed? Absolutely... NOT! Hence, it is purely for safety reasons that the speed is dropped due to people travelling unnaturally long distance to go back home.
  3. They want to ensure you can enjoy your festival safe and sound. Who doesn't? 
That being said, a speed limit is not a travelling speed; which it is often mistaken for. It is the MAXIMUM. Oh well, what's the point? Only good drivers like me (a-hem), adhere to it. Selfish drivers.... BLEK. I <3 my life as much as you <3 yours!