Saturday, May 25, 2013

Experience: Fitness First Menara Axis

On the 22nd of May 2013, Chris invited me to join her for a cycling class in her gym at  Fitness First Menara Axis. That being said, none of us was able to wake up early enough so we ditched the class and at least I; XD played with the equipment.

So, how was it?

Honestly, I have entered a commercialized gym, a club gym, a school gym, apartment gym and even a home gym and I have got to say, commercialized gym makes exercising feel luxurious and compact.

Upon entering the gym, I found it to be really cool since they require a card for access and locker. Then when I walked into the dressing room, it was even more cool since I noticed that there were changing rooms in between the lockers! Really sweet!

So, the first thing I did with Chris and Viv was jog on the treadmill. Well...
I have to say, maybe it's because my mum bought a really good treadmill or I'm a dummie with theirs because I found it difficult to configure the speed. ( I didn't mind my previous apartment's gym cause I really played with it and knew how to configure it fast). It's really tiring to press the speed button while I'm jogging. That being said, I thought that the treadmills were stable and strong enough to withstand the body weight of the runner.

Other than that, if I'm not wrong, it's possible to watch the TV while jogging but I did not bring my earphones (to hear the audio), so I've got no comment regarding this facility. LOL. That being said, I only think it's reasonable to watch TV while jogging if you're not really intent on pushing yourself because you wouldn't even be able to concentrate at what they're saying if you're not. XP I did 1 set of 8 mins. with Chris and Viv, and anor set of 8 mins. just with Viv.

After trying out the treadmills, we found Chris doing crunches! OMG!! Crunches/ Sit ups, I'm not sure what to call it is but since I've done crunches on the mat before, I found the equip. facilitated the proper posture to do them. She was doing normal crunches, side crunches, and even raised lug crunches. Really cool.

Then she played with some of the upper body equipment and guided me along the way. OMG. Chris was so cool, just like a personal trainer!

Then, we chilled a bit; at this point I tried their Sauna and Steam Room. I didn't really like the Steam Room because I thought there wasn't enough Steam (due to the door not being able to shut properly) but I did love the Sauna. Very invigorating.

Oh well, my personal view of a commercialized gym?

I found it really lively when people were motivating each other in the gym but other than that, slightly intimidating when I think of all the treadmills being used at the same time. Reminds me of a hamster with a wheel in cage. LOL and all it does is run in the wheel when it feels like it.

That being said, I think it's good to join one if you're interested in joining the gym classes because the atmosphere to exercise would really motivate each participant to really push themselves. =) AND if you're joining a gym class, you'd get to learn different fun ways of exercising. Sweet, no?

I liked the fact that they had a sauna and steam room, really nice shower rooms, and a really nice hairdryer. LOL. It's been ages since I hair dried my hair with a hair dryer because of the paranoia that I'd disturb my roommates (because it does disturb me) and I truly loved their pro hair dryer. XP

I didn't try their drinks but they did provide refreshments. =) Good tactic. LOL. But they really could up their refreshments by labelling the amount of calories for each cup so the patron drinking high calorie drinks is able to ensure that they stay on track with their fitness goals (and to reduce restocking that drink station). 

Overall, I do see myself going to one in the future since I hate traffic jams and I'd rather be exercising than being stuck in one for the whole period. LOL. AND because of the operating hours; rather long... poor staff., but good news for me, XD.

Thanks Chris and Viv!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Muse: the Body speaks

First and foremost, I have to identify myself - I am a GIRL.

So, since I'm born female, I'm usually surrounded by girls who feel insecure about their body and weight.
That being said, should they feel insecure about their size??? So, after my roommate (who is insecure about her body) raised the issue about being fat a-g-a-i-n... I think it's about time I post something to educate girls out there about their body.

First and foremost, GOD didn't make woman to be the same shape, same size and same person.
For example, twins may be brought up together but do not share the same characteristics. So, we are born or made with differences even if we have the same organs (hopefully), same parents and same environment. So, do not expect you and the woman sitting beside you to always have the same body shape!

I found a link with good pictures on the different body shapes, so if you're interested for more details, go here.
Types of Body (Women)

Then, moving on the weight issue. 

Seriously, the weighing scale just gives you numbers and gives you the weight of your body. Weight of your body includes your fats, muscles, organs and water weight. 

So, can you be light and unhealthy? YES
So, can you be heavy and unhealthy? YES

Why do I say so? I remembered an article similar to this, but this will do for now... hehe

WAIT... So I can be light or heavy and still be unhealthy? YES yes YES! SO how can I be healthy?
Simple, just eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle. =)

I know, healthy food is expensive compared to fried food (easiest cheap unhealthy food example). Why not? Supply meets demand. The people have been demanding fried food as compared to healthy food (since most prefer to make their own). Hence, the price would definitely drop (fried food becomes cheaper) to increase demand of fried food and increase the chains need to supply the public to meet that demand. So who's to blame. You yourself. BLEK. Don't point fingers... it's worthless. You have to educate everyone on healthy eating to reverse this trend and too bad I'm not the Minister of Health to make this change. 


So, everyone likes to use BMI right? So, I'll give you a BMI answer first.

What's a healthy BMI? Since I'm Asian, I'll give an Asian answer because most of the BMI readings out there are not for Asians. The research by the WHO is here

I know you'd be lazy so I had skimmed through it and found this at the 

conclusion and recommendations... at page 161.
  1. The WHO expert found that Asians generally have a higher percentage of body fat than white people of the same age, sex, and BMI. Also, the proportion of Asian people with risk factors of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease is substantial even below the existing WHO BMI cut-off point of 25 kg/m3. Thus, current cut-off points do not provide an adequate basis for taking action on risks related to overweight and obesity in many populations in Asia (except for Northern Chinese and Japanese whereby the cut-off could be 5 units higher).
  2. In considering BMIs of less than 21, it should be borne in mind that the lower range of BMI might reflect under nutrition in populations with current or recent widespread under nutrition.
  3. They recommended that Asians population have this new BMI reading.

Underweight at less than 18.5
Increasing but acceptable risk at 18.5 – 23
Increased risk at 23 – 27.5
Higher high risk above 27.5

So, is BMI the end all. Definitely NOT!  

At page 163, scroll all the way down and there will be a comparison between two persons with the same BMI, with different x-rays, and different body fat levels. (Men were used)

Is that a new word? No... It's an old word. So does that make a difference, yes it does. 
But to know more about it, read here.

DO NOTE! There is a difference between low body fat with muscle and no muscle.

If you are too skinny (cause you don't eat much and you work out sometimes), your muscles won't form, if it does; it goes inwards and you'd get to see skin and bones. Then, if you're a woman, you may have hormone imbalance and not have period. *Personal experience (didn't have mine for a year until I took hormone pills).

That being said, I didn't really take pictures in bikinis to show you guys, so I've got other experts data and pictures to prove my point, here.

My conclusion and advice
  1. Don't fret about not being able to fit those clothes (body shape)
  2. Don't fret about the weighing scale. (Muscle mass + BMI + Body fat)
  3. Fret about not eating healthy food.
  4. Fret about not having a healthy lifestyle.
Worry about the right things. Live your life as you want it and not as what the public wants it. After all, the public is not living your life and understand your troubles. You do, you live it and you experience it. Don't waste your life. =)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Virgin FULL Marathon

Me, at a Toastmasters Area Contest, a day just before the marathon.
Can still smile! X)

I'm no sports enthusiast but I do love exercise as it helps my mood and stress levels; other than the fact that it allows me to not be on a restricted diet! XD Oooh Yeah!

So, with that in mind, how do I keep myself motivated to continue exercising?
Well, I favour jogging so I DO marathons! This year, I've ran 3 marathons.

My latest run is actually, TO-DAY! It's the Women's Day Marathon centered at i-City which is approximately 5 - 10 mins. from my mum's office; a reason not to miss and it's held on the weekend my semesters break starts; another reason not to miss.

Then, here comes my point of view of the marathon as I ran the race!

Well, I listened to my senior's advice and ate lots of carbohydrates on Thursday since my run's on Sunday. Thank God I did, I wondered what would have happened to me if I had not listened to her! XD

On the day itself, I woke up at 0300 hours since my race starts at 0430 hours (42+ km **was it planned? XD), got my milo, (since I ate a heavy dinner) and reached there approximately at 0330 - 0345 hours, did a short aerobics session ( to warm up) and moved on to the starting line (just like any other normal marathons). Surprisingly, nobody was crowding the starting line (maybe cause it's bloody long). Then I ran.

I was basically at the front line of the marathon. That being said, after 2-3 km, I started to slow down (probably no pacer/ motivator) and walk(hehe). Then, runners from behind me would motivate me, "Run sister run! You can do it!" Then, somehow out of nowhere, my legs could move further and faster; alas it was short lived. That said, the guy (pacing for his girlfriend/ wife/ daughter) moved on while I lagged behind again. Then, out of nowhere, a girl in black shirt and short pants touched me. That small touch made all the difference. I paced with her pacer and her up to the 20th km mark (with another small touch – hehe). Then, all hell broek loose as my legs failed me and I just lagged behind after that. Believe me, it was awful. I was basically limping as the balls of my feet ached, the heel of my feet ached, the sides of my feet ached, my leg muscles ached, and my butt felt like it’s going to shit anytime soon (there were many movable toilets but I didn’t want to use it since I doubt the cleanliness). What made me terribly irritated was that I still had the stamina to go further but the physical incapacity to complete the race AND it reminded me of Marcuz cousin's experience, "Limping through the marathon". HUHU... It had to happen to me too? TOO??

So I limped around the Mosque (part of the race route), did stretches on my feet now and then and continued limping until I thought there were too many people cutting me. Then I asked the runners, “What length are you running?” The reply was, “21 km, we still have 2 more kilometres to go, let’s do it!” Listening to her enthusiasm, I almost took the easy way out; after all, I still had 19 more km to run. So, I walked and jogged with her near her turning until I heard the call for 42 km runners to take the U-turn. THEN, instead of taking the left turn back to my house, I took the U-turn. I TOOK THE U-TURN! I’m shocked at my own stubbornness and relentless desire to finish the race but when I did the U-turn, I knew there was no turning back anymore. After all, I had devoted MYR 100.00 to this race, like it or not, I’M GOING TO FINISH THIS! DAMN MY LEGS AND GIVE ME MY PRIDE TO FINISH THIS RACE!

So, I basically limped and walked and jogged. I realized I was walking cum limping quite slowly (because people who were walking rather slowly were cutting me), damn my competitive streak; I can’t run anymore and I’m not going to call for an ambulance to save me from the excruciating pain. So, I reached the end with pride even if it’s a turtle’s pace, 6 hours 30 mins. to 7 hours. Pathetic but possible since I limped and walked more or less 5 hours of the race.

However, I do realize me completing the race wouldn’t have been possible if not for the motivators (the guys, aunties, young adults and performers; including the running nurse). Thanks! A LOT! Now I can proudly say I ran 42 + km thanks to  you!

There were other freebies, but this was in the Finisher's bag with 2 bananas and 3 apples. 

Lessons learned from the race
1.     Be armed with power pack (chocolate liquid stuff) **experienced the difference when given at one of the water stations – it allowed me to run just a tiny bit of  a distance with those aching legs, and most of the runners do have it with them
2.     Wear better shoes – so the shock my legs receive is less
3.     Wear good socks – same as the above
4.     Stay hydrated – with isotonic and water at the stations, and get sprayed by water when possible.
5.     Eat bananas – keeps you sane if you’re a monkey (LOL- no, for the energy)
6.     Train  your legs to not incapacitate you (at least regular trainings of 30km)
7.     Tablets (if you’re really serious to prevent cramps and et cetera)

Personal thoughts on the race
1.     I hated the scenery, it was dull, ugly and repetitive (the mosque and lots of other areas – did a few U-turns).
2.     The parking cost me MYR 10.00.
3.     They did not publicize how to get the discount at MYR 10.00 and had me limping to and fro the ticket counter and the marathon counter.
4.     There was good guiding (bicycles, ambulances, police, supporters, and volunteers).
5.     Frequent water booths.
6.     Good timing devices (not too big and scary)
7.     Very positive and supportive atmosphere.

Temporary Battle Scar

My Results!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Muse: Sadness

Sometimes, when I reflect over a day's work, I'd ask...

Have I done enough? Have I done what I could have done? Should I be feeling this way? How much more should I hold back my feelings?

I feel upset that some people just aren't able to move on. Aren't able to accept who they are. Aren't able to change. But I'd adapt.

Definitely, I don't expect miracles. I don't expect God to drop me things from heaven. I don't expect everyone laughing like the Mad Hatter but I expect everyone to live a life. If time is the answer, hey... I'm granting it to you.

I've surrendered. I've raised the white flag. I'm no longer interested in claiming my eldest sister family anymore.

Once, I gave her respect; 
Then she stepped on it by claiming her rights as an elder over me;
Later erasing her rights by doing things an eldest must never do.

Great power comes great responsibility. Great respect comes from great work. Both goes hand in hand. With neither work, nor responsibility, never claim such otherwise the respect you earn is Z-E-R-O.

Oh well, I believe it's pathetic that a young adult who just hit her 20s needs to inform/warn a person in their late 20s again and again. I believe it is pathetic that I am accidentally excluded from a family dinner because I'm not family. I believe it is pathetic that I am denied entry to take my clothes from my room. I believe it is pathetic that I am not welcome in the house. I believe it is pathetic that an ex-family member does not believe that I love my own mother. Last but not least, I believe it is pathetic that 'family' members try not to solve 'family problems' but try their VERY BEST to solve their friend's problems.

That being said, it is pointless of me to complain further. 
After all, 
maybe I am just a naive snort. 
Maybe I'm just a stupid child. 
Maybe I am just a baby. 
But, maybe after this,
My heart wouldn't be so broken anymore.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Muse: Speed limit

I know it's been so long since I last posted but yeah... I guess it is about time I posted something after my short break from school. So ... it'll be about the...

I know it's kind of lame to discuss this issue but really, it's been on my mind so much that I believe it just wouldn't leave my head until I blogged about it. 

Act 333, Road Transport Act 1987 with amendments up to 1 July 2006
Section 40 Exceeding Speed limit
(1) If any person drives a motor vehicle at a speed exceeding any speed limit imposed for such motor vehicle under the powers conferred by this Act he shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand ringgit.

Section 69 Speed limits
(1) The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, prescribe a national speed limit for all roads in Malaysia.
(1A) Any person who fails to observe the national speed limit prescribe under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.

Federal Government Gazette, National Speed Limit (Temporary Cessation) Order 2013,c.i.f. 3 - 17 February 2013
Section 2 Temporary Cessation
*The speed limit is 90 km/h for all roads in Malaysia

Federal Government Gazette, Local Speed Limit (Federal Roads) (Specified Time Prohibition) Order 2013, c.i.f. 3 - 17 February 2013
Section 2 Prohibition
*Prohibits motor vehicles from exceeding the speed limit of 80 km/h over all Federal roads in Malaysia.

Motor Vehicles (Speed Limit) Rules, 1989 c.i.f. 1st February 1989, Schedule Rule 3
1. having a seating capacity not exceeding twelves persons, including he driver, and used for hire or reward has a maximum speed limit of 110 km/h for roads described in Schedule to National Speed Limit Order 1989 while other roads have it at 90 km/h.
Therefore, since I'm really dumb and don't know the difference between the roads cause I didn't download the Act, XD, shall assume (from personal experience of using the road) that most highways have a speed limit which has dropped from 110 km/h to only 90 km/h while local (small highways) has a reduced speed limit of 80 km/h from 90 km/h. 

So... why the drop in the speed limit? Is it stupid? Useless? Troublesome? 

There is a reason there is a speed limit and there is a reason why it is reduced during the festive season.

First and foremost, I'd address the issue of the speed limit. 
It is vital for all road users to understand and be clear that not all cars could drive safely past 110 km/h (personal experience from driving a Perodua MyVi). Past a certain speed, your car would become unstable, wobbly and be more suspect-able to be uncontrollable behind a wheel. Therefore, since the government assumes the general public are all not able to drive BMW, Volkswagen or Benz which have a heavier body and stronger engines, the set speed is set so, so that smaller cars would not feel intimidated by the big heavier cars even when they zoom past them. Since, according to Bernoulli's principle, the car may be flung due to high speed causing lower pressure of air caused by the faster cars zooming on the right lane against the slower cars; higher pressure moving on the centre/ left lane. So a standard speed limit is set so that all cars travel at approximately the same speed.

**My car shakes if a car zooms past me so it's true, Bernoulli's smart! So... F*** OFF, cars that zoom unnaturally fast, what if I lost control of my car thanks to you? Just cause you can go fast doesn't mean that you can potentially kill me by disrupting my car's stability and control.

Then... why do they drop it during the festive season?
  1. There are more road users. Hence, just like people moving in a crowd, you'd really have to slow down, cause there's just too many people who just want to go back home at the same time. After all, we're a multiracial country, Malay/ Chinese/ Indian celebrate, Malaysia celebrates with you. Hence, do remember, even if you think it is your right to celebrate the festival, it is also every Malaysian's right to celebrate as well. What better way but to go back home with you! Then, since you're not the only one paying taxes and tolls, they'd jam into the road as well when you go back home, causing the slow traffic.
  2. Sudden slow downs in case of slower traffic in front. It is inevitable when you drive long distance that you become tired and cranky, hence desiring to be fast and furious on the road. However, would everybody be able to brake in time (to exit/ sudden slow cars in front) if they suddenly nod off at such a speed? Absolutely... NOT! Hence, it is purely for safety reasons that the speed is dropped due to people travelling unnaturally long distance to go back home.
  3. They want to ensure you can enjoy your festival safe and sound. Who doesn't? 
That being said, a speed limit is not a travelling speed; which it is often mistaken for. It is the MAXIMUM. Oh well, what's the point? Only good drivers like me (a-hem), adhere to it. Selfish drivers.... BLEK. I <3 my life as much as you <3 yours!