Saturday, July 21, 2012

Debat Alam Sekitar 2012/2013

The first thing I had on my planner other than the failed volunteer attempt to volunteer for Standard Charted Run was to be a runner for this Enviromental Debate.

Well, due to that... I had to be there approximately one week early. So I had to check in on the 22nd of June 2012... LOL... Almost one month from now...XD Anyway... back to the point, I was a runner for Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia students. All of them were bumiputras except for one aborigine. They were really cool and had a really large support group that continually support each other. Fortunately, they were able to make it quite far, up to the semi-finals... It was so hard to show my support to my home university when I was being their runner...TT.TT Sorry UM. Oh well, so how was my experience in this debate?

Well... the first week there was much lazing around in an air-conditioned room since all meetings were postponed so often that I lost track of it. Due to that, I couldn't manage to go to MidValley to watch a movie and kill time... instead... I ended up sleeping like a pig... in an air-conditioned room (it was really cold) and reading storybooks from UM Law Faculty's Library. Then, as the days got closer to the 29th, we shifted the tables and chairs of my faculty into one of the Lecture Halls and the briefings for the competition.

Well, a runner's is really simple for this debate... Making sure my debaters got to their places on time and their tummy wasn't empty...XD... So it was a really easy job and entertaining as well, looking at the debaters from various university debate; albeit in Malay. In short, it was fun!  

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