Alright... maybe it's just me, or maybe it's my friends from Vivo.... but I seriously think that they do not really understand how service tax is charged.
Generally, service tax is charged based on the whole bill, correct? That's why it's calculated last in any enterprise.
Let's say... you use a Standard Charted Bank Account and are entitled to a 20% discount on any pizza.
Assuming a normal pizza costs RM 19.90 and a premium pizza costs RM 23.90. By purchasing 3 normal pizzas and 2 premium pizzas, what would be the total cost?
I'll provide three different situations.

In Situation 2, I assumed only 1 premium pizza was given the discount.
In Situation 3, I assumed no discount were given at all.
Basically, Situation 1 earned the most benefits when compared to the controlled factor by RM 23.65 and Situation 2 only benefited by RM 5.25.
Last Friday, there was a commotion on the above problem... Simple mathematics...
Alright... it went like this.
He ordered five pizzas, assuming that his card allowed him
*as stated on the joint promotion page ,
20 % discount on all 10'' or 13'' pizza,
he thought he was about to benefit from Situation 1's discount.
However, the company in actuality was providing just Situation 2's discount which in normal english should be...
20 % discount on any one (1) 10'' or 13'' pizza.
So how could I blame the consumer for being indignant when there's basically a problem with the company not knowing how to explain the benefits properly.
Hence, I believe there is a need for me to emphasize that proper english and simple mathematics be drilled into the heads of any aspiring entrepreneur who conducts businesses.
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