Actually, I've been doing lots and lots of muffins these past semester break ( cause my mum needs me to finish up the two boxes of dates she bought last year) but I haven't posted any...hehe... unfortunately but I'd post them soon... LOL... when I feel like it! XD The last one was really scrumptious using whatever was in my kitchen but hey... I will post it up soon! XD if there is an urge to share my super duper delicious secret muffins... and yeah... they're really healthy and worth it compared to those muffins you buy out there... =P cause mine is super duper delicious and super duper healthy... XD super duper dumb to promote me muffins without proof but yeah... it is super duper worth it to whip it up. Now... drum roll please.... I shall present to you... Red lentil Veggie Burgers.
Why red lentils? Cause it's one of the fastest lentils to cook and I have my stock from six months ago to use before it goes really really old and useless. Just in case you don't know what's lentils... I'll post a picture of it here...Just in case there are people like me who don't know their way in the local grocery store...The cooked and the uncooked kacang dhal merah = red lentils.
I've basically tried to follow the recipe to the letter but ... since I'm dirt poor and stupid at times... I've bought wrong ingredients thinking they were what I thought they were... haha... and used them instead! XD
the Chinese Celery ( I didn't know such a thing existed until I read the label... XD ) I used it instead of Parsley leaves.
wait... I did quite a few changes to the recipe... so I'll just post my adaptation here...
1 1/2 cups red lentils
Cooking oil to stir-fry vegetables and bast the burgers
1 small onion, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
a few shakes of white / black ground pepper from the bottle if any... at hand
3/4 cup of instant oatmeal (my 'healthy' sister bought them but didn't even touch them)
1 packet of chinese celery, chopped to the approximate length of your palm
2 large eggs, lightly beaten (to hold the burgers)
1 tbsp of salt
1. Preheat the oven to 180C. In a large saucepan, cover the lentils with cold water by 2 inches and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer until lentils are very tender, about 10 mins (maybe earlier). Look at my picture to gauge whether yours is cooked. Drain well.
2. In a medium frying pan, heat some oil to stir-fry onion, garlic and carrots over moderately high heat. When carrots begin to soften, add in ALL the Chinese celery (otherwise the celery would be too tough to form into balls/ patties since they'll be sticking out). If not... just follow the lady's example and use a soft vege whereby you can add it later while you're mixing all the ingredients. Stir in the cumin and cayenne and remove from heat.
3. In a large bowl// the large saucepan you used earlier, combine all of the ingredients. The lentils, breadcrumbs, eggs, SALT, pepper and vege mixture. Mix them well and form it into burgers. Ball them up into small balls and press them down on the pan.
4. Line a baking pan with foil. Brush the foil and tops of burgers with oil and let your oven do the magic for 15-20 minutes.
This smart alec was too lazy to foil up the last pan since this recipe made me about 30 burgers... and guess what... the ones in the pan (fortunately only five) not foiled up broke apart upon removal. This went to my tummy straight/ or the doggies. Not only that... since I forgot to add salt... it smelled fantastic but tasted bland (stupid WC) so they were salvaged by dipping them in chili/ tomato sauce. Last picture courtesy of Damari.